Interview: Patrick Trahey (XII)

We recently got a chance to sit down with Patrick Trahey creator of XII for Alterna Comics. Here below is the interview, we hope you enjoy. And when you are done don’t forget to check out Alterna Comics for some great creator owned books like XII!
SHS: Have you always wanted to work in comics?
PT: No actually. Growing up I wanted to work in video games, but when I got to college and realized that
I hated the technical aspects of game design, I had to reroute and figure out a new path.
SHS: Were you a fan of comics growing up? And if so what were some of your favorites books or characters?
PT: Again, I was more of a video games kid. I didn’t read a lot of comics. I think I would have loved them at that age, but none of my friends read them and neither did my siblings, so it wasn’t until I was an adult that I discovered comics. Once I did though it felt totally natural and I wondered why I hadn’t been doing it forever (kinda the same with dnd).
SHS: Can you please give us a brief description of your book The XII?
PT: The XII is a post-apocalyptic tale of a secretive group rebuilding society in the ruins of Chicago. The graphic novel coming out is the first in what I hope to be a long series (so here’s hoping it sells well!). Book one is the story of Caleb, a father of five trying to keep his family farm alive as crops dwindle. After being robbed by bandits, Caleb is forced out onto the Dead Roads in search of a new home, all the while unaware that The XII have plans for him.
SHS: What was the inspiration behind this book?
PT: I’m the writer, but it actually came from a picture I drew a long time ago. I might still have it somewhere, but it was these three shadowy, gas mask clad figures. They were ominous and imposing, and though it wasn’t included in the original drawing, I always imagined them towering over some poor man. I decided to write a scene of that image, and they became The XII and the man became Caleb. From there I wrote the first chapter, then it became a book, then a series (I just kept writing).
SHS: What do you feel sets The XII apart from other comic books?
PT: I like to think of The XII as post post-apocalyptic. It’s set at a bit of a turning point, as one group (The XII) is consolidating power and creating an actual functioning society. Whether it will be any better than what came before remains to be seen though. Ultimately though, these are character driven stories. They’re stories of ordinary trying to survive in a brutal world.
SHS: How/when is the book being released, how can people get a copy?
PT: It’s available now digitally on Comixology, in its entirety. It’s coming to print in February 2018 anywhere Alterna Comics are sold, so ya know, your local comic shop, Amazon, newsstands, and more.
SHS: We at Super Hero Speak have a motto of “Don’t let your cape get caught in the door” which basically means don’t let your own foibles, insecurities, or hang-ups get in the way of your own success in life. What is your “cape” or Achilles’ Heel that you have to work to prevent holding you back?
PT: Starting up a conversation has always been a challenge. Once I’m in it I can chat well enough, but breaking the ice is not something I’m good at. This  is a challenge when, say, marketing a book. It’s not insurmountable, so when I do get my cape caught in the door, I don’t generally end up riddled with bullets (shout out to Dollar Bill, RIP).
SHS: How do you measure success?
PT: This is a tough one, success is self defined, despite society’s default vision of wealth and power. My goal in life isn’t to become rich and famous, but I would like to reach a point where I can ditch my day job. I suppose I struggle with defining success, because though I’ve had successes (like getting a book published), I’m still working 9-5. I’m living the life I’ve always wanted though, and I feel like I’m moving towards escaping the shackles of the workaday world, but I despite it, I still don’t always feel successful. I suppose my vision of success would be living off my writing (and various other creative endeavors I’m involved in). Not quite there yet though.
SHS: Where can people find you online?
PT: Website:
Facebook: Sol Comics
Twitter: @SolComics
SHS: Do you have any other current or upcoming projects people should keep an eye out for?
PT: I have another graphic novel that I’m pitching around in search of a publisher. I’m releasing an anthology of my short stories in 2018. I’m writing a prose novel, which I hope to finish by mid 2018. And I’m also recording an album with my band (more info to come on that).

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