#284: Five Miles of Wolverine on Ice

In this episode the guys discuss the fact that Bill Maher is an ass hat, the Once Upon a Deadpool trailer and the  fact that Ducky is the new Lex Luthor. Plus Margot Robbie reveals full title of Birds of Prey movie. All this plus an interview with Matthew Erman creator of Long Lost, so sit back and enjoy!

This episode the guys talk the latest DC, Marvel and nerd news. John Cena wants to play cap, and Falcon and Winter Soldier are getting their own mini series, does this have all the makings of a “Battle for the Shield” series with Cena playing U.S .Agent? Plus they discuss Ewan McGregor cast as Black Mask and Aquaman box office predictions. All this plus interviews with Tee Franklin and Bruce Timm! So please sit back, relax and enjoy!

Check out this great video from Comic Book Nostalgia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvW3oYqz1zM
Support the National Breast Cancer Organization by buying one of these awesome t-shirts: https://teespring.com/shop/not-all-heroes-wear-july-2018
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This week the guys discuss all the latest Marvel and DC news you need to know. Like Iron Fist being cancelled, Chuck Wendig fired from Star Wars, Jason Bannon cast as Alfred in Pennyworth and the Secret Six gets pilot order from CBS. All this plus interviews with Scott Hanna and Thom Zahler. So sit back and enjoy! 

Scott Hanna on Twitter: https://twitter.com/inkerscott1

Thom Zahler on twitter: https://twitter.com/thomzahler

Punk Taco on Kick Starter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/adamwallenta/punk-taco-volume-2-a-hardcover-graphic-novel-for-a?ref=nav_search&result=project&term=punk%20taco

Support the National Breast Cancer Organization by buying one of these awesome t-shirts: https://teespring.com/shop/not-all-heroes-wear-july-2018

Check out our Patreon for some really cool bonus features: https://www.patreon.com/SuperHeroSpeak

This week the guys bring news and interviews from New York Comic Con 2018. News about Alita Battle Angel, Deadpool, Titans and so much more. Plus interviews with Adam Wallenta (Punk Taco), Shquetta L. Smith Shero (Rayven Choi) and Tara Strong (Batman the animated series, Power Puff Girls). So please sit back and enjoy this jam packed episode!

This week the guys are joined by one of their favorite returning guests, Steve Ekstrom, Steve catches the guys up on what’s going on with Terminal, Imminent Press and their latest Kick Starter. Plus the continue with some more BatWang talk and together they take on #Comicsgate! So please sit back, relax and enjoy! 

This week the guys talk about the latest Marvel and DC news, like the first look at Captain Marvel. Plus Alan Tudyk and Timothy Dalton join the Doom Patrol cast. And Henry Cavill as the lead in The Witcher.  And they wrap it all up with an interview with Simpson comic book writer Tony DiGerolamo, enjoy!

This week the guys sit down with the creative mind behind Robots versus Princesses, Todd Matthy! Todd talks about his inspiration for Robots Vs Princess, plus the thin line between being creative and ending up in jail. All this and so much more, so sit back, relax and enjoy!

In this episode Troy Brownfield returns for a 6th time, yes he a gluten for punishment.  Troy talks to the guys about Sparkshooter, Imminiet Press and his upcoming collection of short stories. Plus he reveals his true love for the new Marvel Legends figures! Finally together they come up with the best strategy for Marvel to bring  James Gunn back into the fold. All this and so much more in the over stuffed episode, enjoy!

This week the guys sit down with creator of I Am Hexed, Kirsten Thompson. I am Hexed combines urban fantasy, politics and an accidentally carnivorous plant, what could go wrong? Kirsten tells the guys about her influences, inspirations and love of cats. Also what her plans are for the book going forward, so sit back relax and enjoy, and don’t forget to check out I am Hexed on Kickstarter! 

Like that bizarre sequel to an older movie no one really asked for the guys bring you The Great Philly Comic Con  – Part 3!  Wrapping up all the remaining interviews from this years con this episode features Ray Wenk, Jodi Lynn Nye, Lynn Almengor and Pinups For Pit Bulls! The strangest thing is this is also a John heavy episode since Dave missed most of these interviews. So like Blade runner 2049 this episode might get a bit trippy 😉 So please sit back, relax and let the docile tones of Super Hero Speak carry you away! 

“Served” logo by Darren Rawlings with cover art by Mike Laughead.  
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This week the guys talk about some of the latest news from Marvel and DC and bring you 2 more interviews from The Great Philadelphia Comic Con 2018! The interviews are with comic book/horror writer Dirk Manning and artist Kari Lynn Smith. Together they created the comic book Hope, a dark an interesting twist on the superhero genre.  So sit back and enjoy!

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