#263: Kirsten Thompson

This week the guys sit down with creator of I Am Hexed, Kirsten Thompson. I am Hexed combines urban fantasy, politics and an accidentally carnivorous plant, what could go wrong? Kirsten tells the guys about her influences, inspirations and love of cats. Also what her plans are for the book going forward, so sit back relax and enjoy, and don’t forget to check out I am Hexed on Kickstarter! 

This week the guys discuss the latest comic book and movie news including PS4 Spider-man being brought to the comics? Infinity War hits 2 billion dollars! Marvel writers offer advice to WB/DC on  how to build a movie universe, and WB planning 2 unrelated solo Joker films!?! All this and much more in the latest Super Hero Speak enjoy!

Like that bizarre sequel to an older movie no one really asked for the guys bring you The Great Philly Comic Con  – Part 3!  Wrapping up all the remaining interviews from this years con this episode features Ray Wenk, Jodi Lynn Nye, Lynn Almengor and Pinups For Pit Bulls! The strangest thing is this is also a John heavy episode since Dave missed most of these interviews. So like Blade runner 2049 this episode might get a bit trippy 😉 So please sit back, relax and let the docile tones of Super Hero Speak carry you away! 

This week the guys discuss the latest Marvel, DC and pop culture news. Including Marvel’s EIC apologizes for Yoshida controversy, kinda, Wonder Woman tease confirms 80s time frame. The Crow remake gets canceled, is Jamie Foxx the right choice for Spawn? And Is Solo a flop? All this plus an interview with Disney artist James C. Mulligan. So please, sit back and enjoy!

“Served” logo by Darren Rawlings with cover art by Mike Laughead.  
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The best Romantic comedy of 2016 follows it up with the best family film of 2018, Deadpool 2! JD if off this week so the guys had to bring in Fans on Patrol’s Montago Bradley to help out with this one. Is it as good as the first? Better? Does Ryan Reynolds finally get out from under Hugh Jackman’s shadow? All these questions and more are explored as we review Deadpool 2! 

This week the guys talk about some of the latest news from Marvel and DC and bring you 2 more interviews from The Great Philadelphia Comic Con 2018! The interviews are with comic book/horror writer Dirk Manning and artist Kari Lynn Smith. Together they created the comic book Hope, a dark an interesting twist on the superhero genre.  So sit back and enjoy!

This week we bring you part one of our 2018 Great Philly Comic Con coverage. The guys talk about what the show was like this year, and how they feel about the con’s growth. The also bring you interviews with Frank Gogel (Grief), Andy Schmidt (Comics Experience) and David Bradley (Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Doctor Who). So please sit back and enjoy this jam packed episode from the Great Philadelphia Comic Con 2018!

This week the guys sit down with Adam Rose, the creator of the all ages comic, Playground. Adam tells the guys what his inspiration for the book was and how it truly was a labor of love. A man passionate about comics he was determined to get it right, and the guys really appreciate his story, and think you will to. So sit back and enjoy our conversation with Adam Rose!

This week the guys review the cinematic event that is Marvel’s Avenger’s: Infinity War! The movie that was 10 years in the making and combines every aspect of the MCU into one film. Was it worth the wait? Did it live up to the hype? Is it the greatest of the MCU films? Join the guys as they explore these questions. Be warned this review is full of spoilers and contains possible spoilers for Avengers 4. Enjoy! 

JD recorded his gut reaction to Marvel’s Infinity and shares it with you. Warning it contains some spoilers. Enjoy and look for our full review Wednesday!

This week Brian Lau returns to the podcast. He tells the guys all about what’s going on with his book Staunch Ambition, and the kick starter he’s currently running for issue 3. Plus they discuss Dave’s new obsession Paper Clip Universe and the current state of affairs with Stan Lee. All this and so much more, so sit back and enjoy! 

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