#599: Daredevil is Born Again!

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CBN gives us the rundown on what happened today, December 24th, in comic history

Amy Rutberg, who plays Marci Stahl on Daredevil, stated “My contacts at Marvel were very surprised. Any of the rumors that it was a Marvel decision are wrong,”

This week the guys bring you a lot of great fan interaction from our Twitter community! Plus the latest news like our reaction to the Avengers: End Game trailer (plus a possible easter egg), John Cena is gunning to play Cap, Doctor Strange IS getting a sequel and DC is giving us Plastic Man!?! All this and so much more, so sit back relax and enjoy! 

This week while the guys give you the latest cookie cutter Marvel and DC news. But while recording the guys are interrupted  by the newest Captain Marvel trailer, so they give you their live reaction. All this plus an interview with Damian O’Hare (Justice League Action, Constantine: City of Demons).

CBN gives us the rundown on what happened today, December 3rd, in comic history

So if you haven’t heard yet Netflix last month canceled both Iron Fist and Luke Cage. A lot of fans, me included, were upset and confused by this information. Those shows both ended on major cliff hangers. At first it was Iron Fist with no real explanation other than low ratings. Which I found odd since Netflix said that Iron Fist season 1 was there most binged drama premier. How much of an audience lost did they take? According to the numbers Netflix released to Screen Rant after the cancelation Iron Fist lost 64% And Luke Cage lost 59%.

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