CBN: Today in Comic Book History January 31st

CBN gives us the rundown on what happened today, January 31st, in comic history

In the first episode of 2019 the guys rate, review and compare both Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse and Aquaman! Which movie is better? Did Aquaman save the DCEU? And did Spiderverse live up to the hype? Some opinions might surprise you. So sit back, relax and enjoy, but be warned spoilers ahead!

CBN gives us the rundown on what happened today, January 4th, in comic history

CBN gives us the rundown on what happened today, December 2nd, in comic history

CBN gives us the rundown on what happened today, December 18th, in comic history

CBN gives us the rundown on what happened today, December 12th, in comic history

This week the guys bring you a lot of great fan interaction from our Twitter community! Plus the latest news like our reaction to the Avengers: End Game trailer (plus a possible easter egg), John Cena is gunning to play Cap, Doctor Strange IS getting a sequel and DC is giving us Plastic Man!?! All this and so much more, so sit back relax and enjoy! 

CBN gives us the rundown on what happened today, November 28th, in comic history

CBN gives us the rundown on what happened today, November 27th, in comic history

CBN gives us the rundown on what happened today, November 26th, in comic history

CBN gives us the rundown on what happened today, November 20th, in comic history

CBN gives us the run down on what happened today in comic history

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