Coming in 2016 Marvel will release the first ever Mockingbird solo comic book series. This should come as no surprise given the character’s popularity on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The character of Bobbi Morse (as played by Adrianne Palicki) is so popular on the show Marvel has considered giving her own spin-off show. So releasing a solo book based on her seems like a no-brainer.

The book will be penned by writer Chelsea Cain, who also wrote the S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL: MOCKINGBIRD. A book that was very well received by critics scoring an 8.6 on COMICBOOK Round Up. So she has a successful history with the character.

We also really like Miss Cain’s enthusiasm around this project. She was so excited about being interview by CBR she wrote a blog about it on her personal website. She seems to be a breath of fresh air into the world of comics. We also are enthused by her sense of humor as well: “I’m drawn to Bobbi because she’s a terrific character—she’s brainy and cool and confident, and quick with a quip,” she enthuses. “In fact it turns out we have a few traits in common. We’re not big sharers. We’re control freaks. And we’ve both been married to Clint Barton. I mean, what are the odds?”
Taking on the art duties of this book is new comer Kate Niemczyk. Though Niemczyk doesn’t have much of a comic book resume, Cain thins very highly of her and believes she is the best choice for this project: “It was really important to me that we find someone who could equal her in talent and style,” she explains. “Kate draws really beautiful, strong women. It’s kind of her specialty. Bobbi is sexy—and she’s comfortable with sex—and I want to show that and at the same time avoid objectifying her. She’s strong. She’s physically competent. And Kate can draw a woman in a metal bikini and thigh highs and somehow make her look completely in control and badass. So obviously we’re going to get along fine.”

Of course the question still remains, what version of Bobbi Morse will we get in this new ongoing series? Chelsea Cain has already told us we will be dealing with the fall out of Nick Fury saving her life with a dose of super solider serum (which happened during the Fear Itself storyline). But she has also hinted at not only Clint Barton making a guest appearance, but Lance Hunter as well. Which suggests at aligning Mockingbird to be more like the Bobbi we all know from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
However they decide to present to the character, we at Super Hero Speak are enthusiastically looking forward to this book.
Read the full interview from
Chelsea Cain’s website: