#258: Great Philly Comic Con 2018 – Part 2!

This week the guys talk about some of the latest news from Marvel and DC and bring you 2 more interviews from The Great Philadelphia Comic Con 2018! The interviews are with comic book/horror writer Dirk Manning and artist Kari Lynn Smith. Together they created the comic book Hope, a dark an interesting twist on the superhero genre.  So sit back and enjoy!

This week we bring you part one of our 2018 Great Philly Comic Con coverage. The guys talk about what the show was like this year, and how they feel about the con’s growth. The also bring you interviews with Frank Gogel (Grief), Andy Schmidt (Comics Experience) and David Bradley (Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Doctor Who). So please sit back and enjoy this jam packed episode from the Great Philadelphia Comic Con 2018!

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