#349: The Real Impact

This week the guys are joined by Shequeta Smith (Rayven Choi), Bobby Nash (Snow) and
Caleb Thusat (village comics) for a panel discussion about how the cancelling and rescheduling of comic book conventions impacts independent creators. Please sit back and enjoy, and consider supporting your favorite indie creators!

Shequeta Smith’s website: http://sherocomics.com/
Bobby Nash’s website: http://bobby-nash-news.blogspot.com/
Caleb Thusat’s website: https://www.villagecomicbooks.com/

Support the National Breast Cancer Organization by buying one of these awesome t-shirts: https://teespring.com/shop/not-all-heroes-wear-july-2018

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Super Hero Speak
Super Hero Speak
Super Hero Speak

A podcast for true comic book fans


Co-host, Interview Coordinator, Comic Reviewer and Cat Wrangler for SuperHeroSpeak.com.

  • Thanks again for inviting me to be part of the conversation, Dave. That was a great conversation and an important topic.


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