A podcast for true comic book fans
Written by: Dirk Manning Fully Illustrated by: K Lynn Smith |
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We all love Superman, Wonder Woman and Spider-Man, but imagine if they began to show up today in our current world. Would we accept them or fear them? Would we welcome them into society or trap them in cages to study them? And what if you found out someone you knew had powers? Would you treat the differently? These are some of the themes and questions touched on in the very beautiful and powerful new independent comic book mini series HOPE.
The story, written by Dirk Manning, is a very simple one. A family gets into a car accident and end up at a hospital. A story that’s been told many times, but this time, unknown to the other passengers in the car, the mother, Julie Lavelle, is an Ultra named Hope. Ultras are what people call super powered human in this story, and this Ultra uses her powers to save her daughter. But this is where things start to turn.
She is surrounded by people with phones videoing her, and not calling for help. They are too self absorbed in the idea of making the money the think this video will make them no one calls for an ambulance. When she asks someone why aren’t you calling for help they respond, aren’t you the help? Such a simple exchange that is just filled with tons of provocative thoughts and questions. It’s truly indicative of how brilliant this comic is, by keeping the story simple and grounded Dirk is able to raise questions you never think of when reading an ordinary superhero story. It’s simply brilliant.
The art by K Lynn Smith is a beautiful contrast to the ugliness of the horrors in the story. K Lynn has an almost Disney like quality to her art, characters with large expressive faces and she utilizes facial expression with a masterful stroke through out this entire story. It’s the emotional side of HOPE that gives the story it’s heart which is communicated beautifully through the art. I could see some criticizing this book for lack of detail, especially in the backgrounds, but I argue no that’s a style choice so the reader is forced to focus on the main character and her emotional journey. I don’t believe this book would work with a different artist, it is again part of the genius of HOPE.
So if you like the idea of taking the superhero genre and turning it on it’s side then you’ll love HOPE. Thought provoking, philosophical and amazing. Beautiful and ugly at the same time. A true modern day masterpiece.
Don’t miss this one 9 out of 10 capes!