Dungeons & Dragons Infernal Tides #2
Published by IDW
Written by Jim Zub
Artwork by Max Dunbar
Colors by Sebastian Cheng
The lands of Eltugard are bathed in darkness. The ruler of Elturel pleads to the people to pray for aid and it comes in the form of an angel named Zariel. Zariel leads the calvary of Elturelto the gates of hell and they destroy the commander of the dark forces. Were the prayers of the people truly answered or is there something else nefarious afoot. 50 years after Zariel and the cavalry of Elturel charge the gates of hell, we find out…..
Okay, so I’m a big D&D nerd. I’ve also read a good number of forgotten realms books, so I can not deny a bias here. I will say that my bias aside, I really enjoyed this issue. It does a great job of setting up the impending conflict. It also does a good job of developing the characters in the party. It even has a character sheet from one of the party members which I have to say is a nice touch. The Story is very much a D&D story and even ends like a typical D&D session would end. They pace the events in this issue quite well, so the details are not belabored. They come at you in what seems like a natural pace, so you are excited to be moving on from the scene.
The artwork is very clean and colorful. The images have some pop and the characters are detailed. The creatures look very cool as well. The buildings have just the perfect amount and detail as well. There is some weak spots here when it comes to large spaces such as a field of grass or road. There is just enough detail to let you know that you are looking at.
Overall, I give Dungeons & Dragons Infernal Tides #2 by IDW 9 capes out of 10. It left me wanting more. More character development, more story and more monster killing. God, I miss playing D&D. 😊