Review: Mortal Kombat Legends Snow Blind

Many years after the events of Battle of the Realms, Kano seeks retribution with the aid of the Black Dragon as they terrorize town after town in Earthrealm until he blinds a swordsman named Kenshi. After being blind at the hands of Kano, Kenshi goes under the tutelage of an older Kuai-Liang for revenge on him.

So I have to start this review by stating I did not see Battle of the Realms or Scorpion’s Revenge. That’s an important factor, because at times I felt like I was watching End Game with out having never seen any previous Marvel movie. There are things that happen in this movie with no explanation, that I assume are results of the previous 2 movies. There is nothing wrong with that, it just makes it really hard to understand this movie at times thus making it difficult for it to stand on it’s own.

That being said I enjoyed the main story line of this movie. A young brash Kenshi is blinded and feels his life is over, and older Kaui-Lang (Sub Zero) reluctantly trains him to fights without his eyes. Something in Sub Zero’s past has made him vowe to never use his powers again, but through the events of the film he is forced to rescue Kenshi and together they defeat Kano and the Black Dragon.

Is it a story we’ve seen before? Yes. but when it’s well done it can be very enjoyable. But there are a few things in this movie that took away from my enjoyment. As I mentioned before there are things that happen in the movie that make no sense, or are possibly pay offs from earlier movies, but with out explaining the pay offs you are left confused. Example Shang Tsung starts the movie as on older powerless lackey of Kano, through the events of the film he gains his powers back and confronts Kano, who then quickly dispenses with him. In the film it comes off as simple way to pad the run time, but I feel it was a pay off from an earlier film I did not see. If they spent a little time flashing back to explain why Shang Tsung was in this condition at the beginning of the film would have served it much better. There are many examples like this in the film.

The other thing, that to me, that took away from the film was the over the top gore. I expect violence from a Mortal Kombat movie. Even the occasional fatality like in the game, but this was over the top. I never though animated blood would bother me, but this was too much for me. Everyone died in an extremely over the top grotesque way, animated blood splotches on the lens, eyes flying and brains spilling out. I didn’t know if I was watching a video game or horror movie.  In a movie like this there is a good balance of action and bloody deaths, this film misses that balance, by a lot. I feel there was thought among the animators that they could get away with more because it’s animated, no, no you can’t.

So over all a descent story line with some big flaws. Is it as bad as Rob Zombie’s: The Munsters? No, but it’s no Marvel End Game. So for that reason I’m giving it 6 out of 10 capes. Unless your a big fan and you’ve seen the other 2 films you can skip this one.

6 out of 10


Co-host, Interview Coordinator, Comic Reviewer and Cat Wrangler for


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