Review: The Visitor #1

The Visitor #1

Published by Valiant Comics

Written by Paul Levitz

Art by MJ Kim

Color by Diego Rodriguez.

Someone is causing various disaster in New York city. The UN is in town, but so is a Japanese consulate, that seems to be working on a secret project. This project has attracted skillful and persistent enemies. The only clue they have, is a video of a dark figure using some sort of electric powers to destroy a large server farm in one of New York city’s skyscrapers. What is this project and why is the mysterious figure so bent on interfering with it?

There is not a lot of story here. It just seems to be a set up. We have no clue what this project is or why it is so important to Japan. We don’t know why this project would be opposed by the United States or any other entity. We do know it is important and that providing security for the creators of this project, will not be easy. I think it is a good set up, but we are ultimately left in the dark when it comes to understanding just what the heck is going on.

The art it is good. Most of the art is city scape, so it is to be expected that there is not much of a color scheme. The images are clear and easy to understand. The shading is also good, but there are a couple panels where they go overboard and make things darker than they should.

I give the Visitor #1 6 capes out of 10. The character on the cover intrigues me, but we are not really introduced to them. The story is mostly a setup, but I would expect to learn a little more about the lead character in the first issue. The artwork isn’t bland, but it doesn’t pop. I understand that the setting does not lend itself to color, but I would have like to see more of the city come to life.

6 out of 10

Donald Daniels

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